Barbara Hopkins

Barbara Hopkins (b. 1942) is a figurative painter who uses watercolor, acrylics, oils, and most other wet mediums. Barbara was an art educator and administrator until her retirement in 2005 and now is on the board of Cummer Nassau and exhibits in the Pagg Gallery in Amelia Island, FL. Barbara describes her work as “inspired by what I see and the pure joy of applying paint to paper or canvas. It is a straightforward, honest attempt to seize the moment and share it. My paintings feature people playing and participating in life; running on the beach, paddling kayaks, gazing at breathtaking sunsets, observing a sleeping pet, or quietly watching a wild horse on Cumberland Island. Another irresistible subject is the natural beauty that surrounds us. Everything from sunrise on the St. Johns River to exotic tropical plants or the serpentine branches of the live oak find their way to my canvas.”

See more of Barbara’s work.

Natalie Hopkins

Natalie Hopkins (b. 1966) is a painter of both abstract and figurative subjects. She loves to learn and play with new techniques and tools, constantly evolving her practice. Natalie began painting abstracts in the summer of 2016 while visiting family on Amelia Island, Florida. She then discovered oils and impressionism after retiring in 2020.  She is currently studying Plein Air oil painting under Jill Steenhuis in Amelia Island, FL and Aix-en-Provence, France.

See more of Natalie’s work.

Ella Hopkins

Ella Hopkins (b. 2001) is an interdisciplinary artist who works in painting, textiles, book arts, and photography. She loves to learn about new mediums, techniques, and styles of art and because of this experimentation and thirst for knowledge, her work shows a deep understanding of light and color. She has been able to explore these elements through many of her own projects and by studying art history. Ella graduated with a BFA in Interdisciplinary Art and Design from the University of Georgia in 2023.

See more of Ella’s work.

The Bake Shoppe

When my sister Catie and I were in our early tween years, we were at our Grandparents’ house making cookies to send to soldiers for Christmas. We got creative and decided to make up our own recipes as well. Our mom Joye has always love the Almond Joy candy bar so we created the “Almond Joye Cookie”, a gooey chocolatey cookie with a little too much almond extract.

We were so excited about our newest creation we dreamt up our own bakery, which we called the Third Generation Bake Shoppe. We got a real kick out of the extra letters in “shoppe” and pronounced them all.

That dream remained as such, but we always held that excitement of working together as a family and sharing our creations with the world. The second iteration of this dream has become the Third Generation Gallery. We hope you enjoy our work, and maybe when we find a physical place to sell our art, we’ll also sell Almond Joye cookies. 

-Ella Hopkins, Dec 2023